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Brown Polo has a Men's and Women's USPA IC competitive team. Our teams practice one to two times per week and compete against other intercollegiate and interscholastic polo teams around the US. Brown University Polo is a USPA-registered team at the Intercollegiate level. The team holds tryouts at the beginning of every fall and throughout the year by request. When trying out for the competitive team, we ask that you either have attended a significant amount of club lessons or have a strong horseback riding and/or polo background. Our varsity team is open to Brown undergraduate and graduate students, although due to USPA rules, graduate students are not allowed to compete in official games. If you are interested in trying out for the team, visit our contact us page and send us an email!


The recreational division of Brown Polo is open to Brown undergraduate and graduate students of all levels. Club lessons are offered once a week and open to members at any level of time commitment. You can come try polo just once, or practice every week if you like! This is a great option for those who need a flexible schedule, or for students who would like to be on the varsity team but need more practice and experience first. New club members are accepted at any time during the year at any level-- even people who have never ridden a horse! Most of our club-varsity members start with consistent attendance at the club level and move up to the competitive team when they are ready. If you are a Brown student interested in joining, visit our contact us page and send us an email!

2019-2020 Varsity Roster
Brown Women's Varsity Team
Women's Varsity


Valerie Aguilar Dellisanti ‘23 - Captain

Karina Bao ‘22

Reeno Hashimoto '22

Shivani Mendiratta ‘24

Renee Andam ‘24

Vivienne Chi - Graduate Student

Men's Varsity

Daniel McDermott ‘23

Maguire Anuszcewski '23

Shaurya Singh '25

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